
I have spent the last 15+ years working with corporate and healthcare clients of all shapes and sizes. I have studies trends and differences in these clients – what makes them the same? What makes them unique?

I have found that most organizations have very unique cultures, the very DNA of them that makes them tick. That makes them special – which means you cannot approach every organization as a one size fits all… but the one thing every organization needs is alignment. Leadership, brand, culture… it all needs to coalesce to find success.

At coalesive, we love finding alignment in your teams. It makes every project more enjoyable and easier to stay on track.

Below is a diagram showing the journey I have personally been on to get to coalesive. Reach out. Let’s talk. I have ideas.

My team at coalesive is built to grow as your project needs. I have illustrators, package designers, strategists, graphic and signage designers, detail designers, interior designers, operations experts and culture consultants that can be a part of any project depending on required talent. We put together teams based on your project.

Exactly what you need, nothing more.